
Amazon Prime Now: UI Design

When working with Prime Now, I was tasked with redesigning our horizontal scrolling navigation, known as TALAs, to help our customers find what they were looking for faster. 

I worked closely with the marketing and product management team to help finalize, document, and share with stakeholders a visual strategy that would complement marketing's content design.

The New

The New

TALA (Take A Look Around) Carousels are visual navigational elements in the Prime Now mobile app that help customers find products. They are commonly used for specific events to highlight cross-category products or key categories. TALAs can have descriptive copy and items that represent the products customers will see when they click through.

The Old

The Old

Previous versions of the design included TALAs that spanned the entire horizontal width of the device. This resulted in the user having to continuously scroll to the bottom of the screen to see more TALAs, which were not organized in any particular order. This layout provided a frustrating experience for the user.

The Process

The Process

Exploring as many different versions of the element as possible, I created 12 separate rounds with 283 individual graphics, finding patterns in what worked and didn't work with each round. Knowing that this feature would expand globally, it was important to make sure the final design could be scaled on a global level, could be localized, and would be quick and easy to produce.

The Documentation

The Documentation

After finding what designs worked best, I created templates and technical specifications that were shared between the brand design team, stakeholders, and outside production teams and vendors. 

The Finals

The Finals

With final approval, I created over 880 graphics (sampled above) for the first weblab, which launched in September of 2017 and ran for 31 days. It saw an +0.81% increase in log OPS and a purchase conversion of 0.71%, showing the new experience was a success for the customer.

